create your masterpiece

read #Masterpiece to unleash the artist inside you and create your masterpiece in harmony with mother nature 

let's reimagine together

over the last 5,000 years, humankind has become the greatest success story this planet has seen. however, continuing to use the same system for the next fifty years jeopardises humankind. now, we need to rethink, reimagine and recreate the system so our children and grandchildren create the next 5,000 year cycle. creating your masterpiece is the simplest way to do this

create your masterpiece

your masterpiece could be a purposeful foundation, an innovative initiative, a groundbreaking product, revitalizing your marriage, creating your perfect home... whatever it is, it is inspired by love, created with love to share more love. it is both the journey and the outcome… a portal towards healing your greatest wound and creating a new ecosystem in harmony with Mother Nature

unleash the artist inside

imagine breaking through to the next level. in #Masterpiece you will discover:

how I unlocked the artist inside me

learn why I suppressed the artist inside me and how I liberated her again

why michelangelo created more than van gogh

discover why did vincent van gogh only create masterpieces for 2 years and sell only 2 paintings and michelangelo create masterpieces for 75 years and work with the medici family and 8 popes

why all of us are facing more challenges today

discover how to change your relationship to the four forces—power, money, time and love—that suppress the artist inside

what the science of creativity says

discover what psychology, neurology, metaphysics and epigenetics indicate about creativity

what I learned while painting in the mountains

learn what I discovered during my mystical experiences painting mountains in blizzards, gale force winds and tropical storms

how to create your masterpiece

discover what it takes to create your masterpiece in harmony with mother nature

living on purpose

imagine knowing why you are here and living every day on purpose. imagine transcending the mind and going with the flow

leaders love the book


"If change starts within, then the framework in this book is desperately needed for companies to become sustainable. With Alexander’s guidance, I had my team work on finding their Personal Purpose, sharing them with one another was one of the most meaningful team exercises I have ever done."

Nate Hurst

Chief Sustainability Officer,
Black Rock


‘Read this book - and it is a game changer. #Masterpiece inspires individuals and teams on how to stay true to personal and team missions. Alexander has a unique ability to get to the heart of the matter and see what few others can - each individual's personal contribution to the collective whole.'

Michelle Crossan-Matos

Chief Marketing Office,
Ulta Beauty

changed my life

' I love Alexander and his work—what he describes in #Masterpiece has changed my life. These tools helped me stop, regenerate myself, then generate the funding my Masterpiece, United Cities, needed to change our world. I imagine a world in which all of us realize we can do this'

Kari Aina Eik

Former CEO, United Cities

get money flowing

imagine changing your relationship to money so we unblock the dams and get money flowing again. foreword written by peter koenig, who has spent the last 40 years exploring how to change our relationship to money

who I am 

I am a global authority on creativity and how we can use it to reinvent business in harmony with Mother Nature. I lead The #Masterpiece Agency, designing personal journeys for purposeful pioneers (and their teams) to elevate themselves to the next level by creating their Masterpiece. 

Everything I do is based on my mystical experiences painting around the world in blizzards, gale force winds and tropical storms. These experiences and my research into psychology, physiology, metaphysics and epigenentics have helped me to realise we are not passive participants in a universe beyond our control, but active creators of our own playground.

I have worked on all of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals for some of the most recognized companies and I live with my family above Lake Geneva.

if this resonates

a nurturing home for pioneers getting what you need when you need it to express your mastery and expand all of us through the journey of creating a masterpiece


Route de Chaulin 78E, Chamby, 1832, Switzerland

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