elevate your communications

imagine creating communications and a business model at the same frequency with which you created your masterpiece

share your masterpiece

your masterpiece could be a new initiative, a groundbreaking product, a purposeful mission, conscious brand or regenerative culture... whatever it is, we have redesigned marketing, so you have what you need when you need it to communicate consciously

attract your tribe

imagine attracting your tribe to you elegantly without pushing or manipulating. we lead you through a journey:


define your summit (or mission), your contribution to the world


define how you guide others to their summit (your masterpiece)


articulate the invitation that will attract your tribe to start ascending

conscious marketing & business plan

establish how you bring this invitation to life online and offline so money is flowing in a way that regenerates everyone it touches

website and other communications 

align your website and all other communications (emails, events, videos, ads etc.) with the energy of your mission and masterpiece

grow your team

imagine your team having the clarity of mind to step up and take the burden off your shoulders

who I have worked with

I have guided some of the most well-known brands to communicate more effectively

possible journeys



assess where your communications are. free call to assess

website and email
make recommendations
develop a roadmap



articulate your mission and define your masterpiece. everything in assess plus:

2x 90 minute workshop
identify your summit
define your masterpiece

marketing plan

on request

a 1.5 day retreat to develop a mission, masterpiece and the key changes to bring it to life. everything in mission plus:

develop the invitation to your clients
develop a marketing plan

develop a regenerative business model


on request

a 1.5 day retreat plus implementing the recommendations across your communications. everything in marketing plan plus:  

design your website
build your website
develop your corporate video
upgrade your emails
guide your team on social media

our clients love what we do

'alexander is a gamechanger'

Michelle Crossan-Matos
CMO, Ulta Beautry

'exactly what I need when I need it'

Riccardo Bellini
Former CEO, Chloé

"I had my team work on finding their Personal Purpose, sharing them with one another was one of the most meaningful team exercises I have ever done."

Nate Hurst
President, Chief Sustainability Officer, Black Rock

"I love Alexander and his work—these tools helped me stop, regenerate myself, then generate the funding needed to change our world."

Kari Eik
Founder, United Cities

if this resonates get in touch

a nurturing home for pioneers getting what you need when you need it to express your mastery and expand all of us through the journey of creating a masterpiece



Route de Chaulin 78E, Chamby, 1832, Switzerland